Sunday, January 3, 2010,7:17 AM
goodbye 2009..hello 2010
it is the time of the year,where we welcome the new year with new resolutions, in trying to fulfill our hopes, our dreams to whichever direction it may be. i have come thru a very long journey to be where i am today. the major part of the change in my life happens as from march 2008. i gambled with a decision of which i knew i will never turn back, for the sake of my kids, myself as to heal the grief inside us individually. As i knew recently from my children, grief means the missing block to complete the picture of a perfect family..(al-fatiha abarp). in life, we all endure the pain, anxieties that breaks the heart into pieces. time heals the broken heart, so it seems..however struggling through life, like a friend once told ,some days are diamonds..some days are stones...guess i have gathered more stones than diamonds. however, thanking ALLAH for all HIS blessings, closing of 2009, brings joy of my acceptance to a full time employment, which grants me further security in financing & health care for my love ones. last but not least, most wonderful of all, my sacrifices has been compensated with good pmr results from farrah, my youngest girl. here forward, in 2010 i pray to be given the strength to overcome every predicament, grant me the happiness that i deserve, make me a better forgiving person always..GODS' willing
Sunday, January 3, 2010,7:17 AM
goodbye 2009..hello 2010
it is the time of the year,where we welcome the new year with new resolutions, in trying to fulfill our hopes, our dreams to whichever direction it may be. i have come thru a very long journey to be where i am today. the major part of the change in my life happens as from march 2008. i gambled with a decision of which i knew i will never turn back, for the sake of my kids, myself as to heal the grief inside us individually. As i knew recently from my children, grief means the missing block to complete the picture of a perfect family..(al-fatiha abarp). in life, we all endure the pain, anxieties that breaks the heart into pieces. time heals the broken heart, so it seems..however struggling through life, like a friend once told ,some days are diamonds..some days are stones...guess i have gathered more stones than diamonds. however, thanking ALLAH for all HIS blessings, closing of 2009, brings joy of my acceptance to a full time employment, which grants me further security in financing & health care for my love ones. last but not least, most wonderful of all, my sacrifices has been compensated with good pmr results from farrah, my youngest girl. here forward, in 2010 i pray to be given the strength to overcome every predicament, grant me the happiness that i deserve, make me a better forgiving person always..GODS' willing
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